田野 The Room
2015 基于六个手机多轨实时直播流媒体声音的声响剧场表演 a sound theatre performance based on 6 mobile phones’ live streaming apps
声墟 Ruins of Voices
2015年 基于对社会化媒体草根声响档案的田野工作,所做的剧场装置,以及声响剧场表演 theatre performance and installation with 9-screen videos, 6-channel sounds, 200,000 words text paper based on social media grassroots sound creations
寄生/声 Parasitic Life/Sound
2013 基于双人配对的手机日常录音,第一人称声响写作与诵读,所做的声音装置以及声响剧场表演。A series of pair practice in daily sound recording and writing with a follow-up sound installation and sound theatre .